Faithfully following the Party and working for the Party and the people constitute the Communist Youth League's original aspiration and founding mission.
Although the times keep changing, young people in China have been committed to the same mission. Over the past century, the Communist Youth League has been of one heart and mind with the Party and followed in its footsteps. It has united and led League members and young people in dedicating themselves to the cause of the Party and the people, devoting their youth to the journey toward national rejuvenation, and thus engraving their glory in the annals of history.
百年征程,塑造了共青團(tuán)堅(jiān)持黨的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的立身之本。The 100-year history of the Communist Youth League has defined that upholding Party leadership is crucial to the League's success.
百年征程,塑造了共青團(tuán)堅(jiān)守理想信念的政治之魂。The 100-year history of the Communist Youth League has instilled its political essence of having firm ideals and convictions.
百年征程,塑造了共青團(tuán)投身民族復(fù)興的奮進(jìn)之力。The 100-year history of the Communist Youth League has helped build up its strength for contributing to national rejuvenation.
百年征程,塑造了共青團(tuán)扎根廣大青年的活力之源。The 100-year history of the Communist Youth League has identified taking root among young people as its source of vitality.
堅(jiān)持為黨育人,始終成為引領(lǐng)中國青年思想進(jìn)步的政治學(xué)校nourish the youth for the Party and remain a political school that leads the political advancement of the Chinese youth
自覺擔(dān)當(dāng)盡責(zé),始終成為組織中國青年永久奮斗的先鋒力量take up its responsibilities and remain a vanguard in organizing the Chinese youth to keep going forward
心系廣大青年,始終成為黨聯(lián)系青年最為牢固的橋梁紐帶bear in mind the interests of the youth and remain the strongest bond between the Party and the youth
勇于自我革命,始終成為緊跟黨走在時(shí)代前列的先進(jìn)組織have the courage to reform itself and remain an advanced organization that closely follows the Party and stays at the forefront of the times
廣大青年在實(shí)踐中學(xué)習(xí)中國特色社會(huì)主義和共產(chǎn)主義的學(xué)校a school for the young people to study socialism with Chinese characteristics and communism through practice
培養(yǎng)社會(huì)主義建設(shè)者和接班人 prepare the youth to contribute to and cany forward the socialist cause
團(tuán)結(jié)帶領(lǐng)廣大團(tuán)員青年勇做新時(shí)代的弄潮兒unite and lead its members and young people in catching the contemporary waves
履行鞏固和擴(kuò)大黨執(zhí)政的青年群眾基礎(chǔ)這一政治責(zé)任carry out its political duty of consolidating and expanding the support from the youth for the Party's governance
千方百計(jì)為青年辦實(shí)事、解難事fully pass on the Party's care to the youth
把黨的全面領(lǐng)導(dǎo)落實(shí)到工作的全過程各領(lǐng)域ensure the overall leadership of the Party throughout the whole process of its work in all areas
不斷鞏固和擴(kuò)大青年愛國統(tǒng)一戰(zhàn)線 constantly consolidate and expand the patriotic united front among the youth
以改革創(chuàng)新精神和從嚴(yán)從實(shí)之風(fēng)加強(qiáng)自身建設(shè)improve itself with the spirit of reform and innovation and in a strict and practical manner
做理想遠(yuǎn)大、信念堅(jiān)定的模范 be role models of upholding lofty ideals and firm beliefs
做刻苦學(xué)習(xí)、銳意創(chuàng)新的模范 play an exemplary role by studying hard and boldly engaging in innovation
做敢于斗爭、善于斗爭的模范 be both brave and adept in carrying out our struggle
做艱苦奮斗、無私奉獻(xiàn)的模范be models of hard work and dedication
做崇德向善、嚴(yán)守紀(jì)律的模范 set an example in acting in a good and virtuous manner and in observing a strict code of discipline
以成長為一名合格的共產(chǎn)黨員為目標(biāo)、為光榮be determined in mind to grow into a qualified CPC member and take pride in it
鑄牢對黨忠誠的政治品格 refine their political character of being loyal to the Party
自覺踐行群眾路線、樹牢群眾觀點(diǎn) consciously practice the mass line and firmly establish a correct mass viewpoint
培養(yǎng)擔(dān)當(dāng)實(shí)干的工作作風(fēng) develop a work style of being responsible and practical
涵養(yǎng)廉潔自律的道德修為 improve moral cultivation to remain honest and self-disciplined
高度重視培養(yǎng)和發(fā)展青年黨員 attach great importance to the training and recruitment of outstanding young people
落實(shí)黨建帶團(tuán)建制度機(jī)制 implement the systems and mechanisms for using Party building to lead League building
做青年朋友的知心人、青年工作的熱心人、青年群眾的引路人devote great energy to the work related to youths, and serve wholeheartedly as their confidant and their guide
自古英雄出少年。Heroes are cultivated from young age.
長江后浪推前浪。The waves behind drive on those ahead.
少年強(qiáng)則國強(qiáng),少年進(jìn)步則國進(jìn)步。A nation will be strong only when its young people are strong and a nation will make progress only when its younger generations make progress.
敢教日月?lián)Q新天 dare to make the sun and the moon shine in the new sky
人生萬事須自為,硅步江山即寥廓。Everything in life must be experienced by oneself; it is the minor steps that take one to a wider world.
常制不可以待變化,一途不可以應(yīng)無方,刻船不可以索遺劍。A fixed system is not capable of responding to infinite changes, one road would not lead to myriad destinations, and a lost sword would hardly be located in a river by leaving a mark on the boat.
后生可畏,焉知來者之不如今也? A youth is to be regarded with respect. How do you know that his future will not be equal to our present?
做青年友,不做青年“官” be friends instead of "bureaucrats“ to youths
多為青年計(jì),少為自己謀 work to better benefit youths rather than themselves
心境澄明,心力茁壯 remain clear-minded and strong-hearted
不尚虛談、多務(wù)實(shí)功 refrain from empty talk to do more pragmatic work
心有所畏、言有所戒、行有所止 hold regulations and the law in awe and speak and act prudently
一心為公、一身正氣、一塵不染 bear the public good in mind, have a strong sense of righteousness, and remain untainted by malpractices

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